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Code Climate 💖 Vim

Today we’re delighted to share two goodies with all our Vim friends: an editor integration and a Vint engine! Both of these are courtesy of our own Will Fleming.

The vim-codeclimate plugin makes it easy for you to seamlessly aggregate all the results from your preferred static analysis tools without leaving your favorite editor. It also takes advantage of Vim’s quickfix window, making navigating to and fixing issues natural for Vim users.

To get started, you’ll need to have the Code Climate CLI installed. If you’re using a Mac with Homebrew, installing is as simple as:

   brew tap codeclimate/formulae
   brew install codeclimate

Once brew has finished installing the CLI, you’ll want to make sure that the engines you need to analyze your code are installed locally.

   codeclimate init  # run this if you don’t already have a .codeclimate.yml for the project
   codeclimate engines:install

When you’ve got the CLI up and running, you’re ready to see analysis results within Vim. Details of how to install the plugin will vary a bit depending on your Vim installation. Instructions for some common package managers are included in the plugin’s README.

And for our friends who write their own Vim scripts, our new Vint engine provides fast and extensible linting.

The source for the engine is on GitHub, and you can enable it for your own repos using your .codeclimate.yml:

       enabled: true
       - "**.vim"

We hope you’re as excited as we are to start using Code Climate within Vim. Making static analysis an easier, more natural part of your workflow is something we care a lot about, and we think editor integrations are a great way to do that. If you’re interested in building support for your favorite editor, shoot an email to mrb@codeclimate.com and we’ll help get you started!

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